
Thursday, December 12, 2019

ToddleeDoo 4.2.5 FAQ

If you're dealing with this update and you're still confused please spend some minutes to watch this videos (also 2x speed ๐Ÿ˜…) to the point of your interest.
Something may be slightly different but more or less the same.


Please bear in mind I am only one and I have not a team of scripter, texturer or mesher behind me, so if anything is not as you desire QUIETLY and GENTLY (and patiently!) inform me and I may include it into the next update. Please and Thankyou ๐Ÿ’!

*Do I need a System Skin to use this update?
NO, you can use applier Skin(HUD), System Skin (BOM) or a combination of the 2:
BOM FACE + BOM BODY (complete skin)
BOM FACE + BOM BODY (Skin + Tattoo skin if different products)
*Does it include the Chubby version?
YES, Every Current ToddleeDoo Bodies have been updated to BOM: Fitted and Fitted-Chubby as long as the older BentoONLY (non-fitted) Kid and Baby bodies. NOTHING CHANGED!
*Do I need new clothes/Do i need a new body file to create?
NO, nothing changed into the bodies.
We only have new scripts and new textures, and a whole new HUD.
*My applier clothes won't apply.
Wear the Clothes layer which is now separate (if you're using BOM and want a reduced complexity): "3 - Clothes"
*The skin in the 'Body Controller HUD' don't apply to the Head
NO, I am not forcing you to change your face.
You can use your favorite skin for your Head as usual and/or combine it with the body Skin if you desire
*Can I wear Applier skin + BOM clothes/tattoo?
NO, That's the only mixmatch you can't do. When you active BOM a System Skin in mandatory.
- If you're wearing the chubby body make your shape larger!
- 90% of the times now you will not need the neck fading piece thing: hide it in both the Body (in the Alpha section - the "Neck" preset) and in the Head ("Neck" in the Alphas Tab)
- If you're wearing the Chubby make sure to recolor your chubby shaders of a proper tone to match your skin (make them lighter then your skintone only for a sunburn effect ๐Ÿ˜)
- for Shaping suggestions see this link
- Be kind

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