
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

ToddleeDoo 4.0.9 (and 3.9.2)

TODDLEEDOO 4.0.9 (and 3.9.2) IS OUT!

Whats's new?

• Smoothed the Rig overall (4.0.9 ONLY)
• Fixed the Hovering Instability
• Changed some default Textures.
• Refitted the Neckline (4.0.9 ONLY)
• Added Left and Right options for Arms (Hands) and Legs (Feet)
• Added the Social Buttons in the Tools Section

Some of you are already familiar with the CHUBBY version, which is born on February 2018 even if very BETA and WorkInProgress.
Now ToddleeDoo CHUBBY is a final version!! *throws confetti* Some improvements will still may occour, but I am happy with it and it will stay like this more or less.

How does the Chubby version works?
As many really love a "rounder" look, FatRoll are almost mandatory for a realistic chunky baby look! Despite this version match the regular Fitted one - so the regular Fitted Clothes- it is enriched with customizable rolls and customizable additional shaders (VIDEO COMING SOON).


1 comment

  1. Good evening, I tried to do the Redeliveries of TODDLEEDOO 4.0.9 and in the product page that I bought in the store does not appear the product, you could send me the update please. user second life :karollynsphelan
