• BOY VERSION IS ACTUALLY OBSOLETE but as your choice: sl male shape is not very picky for a children look, indeed I suggest to use Girls version also for Boys. This doesn't mean "you are wearing a girl body", this just means you can wear a female based shape that is prettier for children.
• Wearing steps are important in order to avoid any buggy effect (deformation or floating offset).
• For best results you should wear the same skin both in regular Body and Mesh (see Skinning Paragraph for more details).
• If you're wearing any other deformed or mesh tiny avatar, TAKE IT OFF COMPLETELY and relog!
• First wear the ToddleeDoo shape
• Then wear the Alpha Layer
• Wear the Body
• Now you can wear the Body Controller HUD and customize your body
(I suggest to wear your own shape only once the ToddleeDoo body is worn and fully rezzed)
In the folder you can find a premade body Shape.
Anyway you can wear your personal shape following these easy steps:
• Please, DON'T WEAR A MALE BASED SHAPE WITH TODDLEEDOO MESH BODY: if you really desire to wear a male based legacy shape please see inside the "Tools" folder in your "Body Controller HUD". BOYS VERSION IS ACTUALLY NOT SUGGESTED for a nice children look.
• Your own shape may need some adjustments: this is a notecard with the perfect values
• If you desire to wear a male based legacy shape or any mesh head which doesn't fit perfectly the Body you need a "Neck Converter": it's an add-on to fit your neck to the ToddleeDoo body. You can find some in the "Extra" folder under "Tools" tab in your "Body Controller HUD"
• You can mess with some shape parameters to modify the look a little bit, like height and some widths.
To compare your shape proportions to a RL children ages you can use this chart:
• If your shoulder looks too wide or too thin do not edit your shape, just use the Undeformer Gesture or HUD in the "Extra" folder under "Tools" tab.
• Skin: Drop your own body texture (upper and lower) from your inventory to the dummy on the left. Then touch it to apply the textures on your body.
• Skin Color: Edit the HUD and recolor the "Skin Color" button. Then touch it (this is very not suggested but can be useful for someone e.g. furries)
• 36 Skins: Touch it to receive a collection of skins into a separated HUD object.
• Nails: Drop your own Nails Polish texture on this piece and then touch it.
• Hide/Show: Touch this button to Hide or Show the Nails.
• Clothes: Drop your own Clothes texture from your inventory to the dummy in this Tab. Then touch it and choose the destination layer (within "Skinny" or "Looser").
• Underwear: Applier for the UnderShirt and UnderPants.
• Take Off: navigate trough: "Skinny" and "Looser", and "Shirt", "Pants" or "Both" to take off your clothes. "Naked" if you want to take off everything in one single step.
• Alpha: Touch each single part to Hide it. Touch it when hidden to Show it.
• Full Visible: Touch this button to make the whole body visible in a single step.
• Alpha Presets: Chest, Arms, Pelvis, Legs & Feet for a fast multiple alpha activity. Neck also hide and show the "Neck Fading"
• Extra: Receive a Collection of Utilities into a single folder: basically everything that has been removed by the older HUD can be now found here. You can find here the new "Neck Converters" for necks different than the legacy girl neck.
• Help: Receive this Instructions' Notecard.
• Update/Replace: Resend the most updated version.
This Body can be skinned only through Applier Skins (HUDskins) or your "Body Controller HUD", but the Head needs the regular Sl Skins (Body Parts).
For best results I suggest to wear the same skin: default sl skin (for Head) and HUD skin (for body).
Anyway, if not possible to find the same HUDskin and regular SL body skin, just use the "36 Skins" to try to fit your body skin with your head one: it can be found in the "Extra" button, under the "Tools" tab of your HUD.
I don't suggest instead to use lsl colors to match your body skin with your head: if it's really needed please just use a lighter grey or creme or pink....
You can drop your own made skin textures in the "Custom Skin" dummy, but be sure to not use textures that contains alpha channels (.jpg format is suggested instead of .png)
ToddleeDoo can ONLY wear APPLIERS (HUD) or MESH clothes properly made for TODDLEEDOO!!
There are 3 clothes layer for ToddleeDoo:
Skinny, Looser and Socks
• In order to wear any Clothes, you have to use Clothes appliers (HUDs for clothes) for ToddleeDoo.
Wear it, tuch it and Choose the layer where you want it to be worn ("Skinny" or "Looser").
• In the "Body Controller HUD" you can also find 4 really useful Tools:
• Custom Clothes: This tool does not support socks, it only apply upper and lower clothes.
Just drop your own clothes textures on it in the correct part (upper in upper and lower in lower) and then touch it.
• UnderWear: Replace the Default Undershirt (on looser layer) and Underpants (on skinny pants).
• Take Off: Navigate through "Skinny", "Looser" or "Both", and "Shirt", "Pants", "Both".
Project Bento has been released officially on December 2016 for Second Life, and it gives to user a whole new amount of extra bones as finger bones and facial bones (and more...)
ToddleeDooes can now enjoy this new technology and we have properly designed tiny bones for our small needing.
You can now make your own bento poses or animations, but remember that we are "shrunk", so you can only use bones rotation for your poses (or animation). If maybe any bento pose you're going to try deforms you, remember you can always undeform yourself using the deforming tools you find in the "Extra" folder under the "Tools" tab of your "Body Controller HUD".
Wear the "6 - Updater (ToddleeDoo)" and touch it. You can find it into your "~ToddleeDoo.." folder.
There also is an updater in your "Body Controller HUD", under the "Tools" tab.
Be sure to not delete this objects!!!
Known Problems & Fixing:
● Your body is shadowed really different then your head.
• Probably you are using a low graphical setting.
• You body is colored with a dark color
· Test 1: Be sure your Hardware Skinning is activated (Preference (ctrl+P)-> Graphic)
· Test 2: lsl colors applied to your mesh body is not a suggested way to tone properly ToddleeDoo in order to match your skin. (see "Skinning" paragraph)
● You body, clothes or nails are vanishing
(you looks partially naked after a teleport or login)
• The skin you are wearing on ToddleeDoo Body contains any alpha channel.
• Something is alpha-glitching on you.
· Test 1: Try to change ToddleeDoo body skin with a default one (one in the Body Controller HUD).
· Test 2: Under Preference (ctrl+P)-> Graphic: If "Light & settings" (or "Advaced Lighting Model) is actived be sure to set one shadow preset in the dropdown menu just below ("Sun & Moon" or "sun moon projector" - "None" reproduces this Bug). Please ask better in your viewer support group.
· Test 3: Increase your LOD: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S (or Advanced -> Debug Settings) write "RenderVolumeLODFactor" (without quotes) and set the value around 4 or more.
· Test 4: Be sure your Hardware Skinning is activated (Preference (ctrl+P)-> Graphic)
· Test 5: Try remove one by one all other objects you are wearing except to ToddleeDoo parts and check if something was breaking your clothes.
● You look deformed and/or you don't like like a toddler at all.
• You aren't wearing a ToddleeDoo Shape * (see "Shaping" paragraph)
• You are Deformed Somehow
• You didn't follow the wearing order *(see "Starting" paragraph)
• You experiencing network issues
• Something is corrupted on your viewer cache.
• You worn something that has deformed you.
.Test 1: Be sure you are using ShrinkeeDoo 0.7 or higher)
· Test 2: Use the Undeformer Gesture or HUD in the "Extra" folder under "Tools" tab
· Test 3: Take off all ToddleeDoo parts, relog, and then wear them following the correct wearing steps *(see "Starting" paragraph)
· Test 4: Increase the number of "Max # of non-impostors avatars" in Preferences (Ctrl+P) -> Graphics.
· Test : Clean Cache MANUALLY! Please pay attention, standard cache cleaning through your viewer preferences DOESN'T FIX CORRUPTED CACHE!!
If you don't know how google for it or ask to your viewer support group.
. Test 6: it might be a good idea to increase the "MeshMaxConcurrentRequests" under Debug Settings (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S): a value around 100 is fine.
● Your Neckline doesn't match through Body and Head.
• Your WindLight makes the Neck Fading PIece dark
• You are wearing a Boy based legacy shape or a mesh head, and no Neck Converters for it...
• Your Mesh Head is not matching your Body version
· Test 1:
● Your Body or HUD doesn't work as expected.
• The scripts isn't working.
• Everything looks UpsideDown: you are seeing the closed HUD
· Test 1: Be sure that in the land where you are the scripts are set to running. (if you don't know how, ask for it.) If not, go into another region.
· Test 2: Request a Replace through your "6 - Updater", in your ToddleeDoo folder or through your "4 - Body Controller HUD" (under "Tools" tab).
· Test 3: If your HUD looks Upsidedown you have to edit it and move in the right place of your screen: Hit "Open" button, then right click on your HUD and Choose "Edit", now using the arrows move it to the TOP
● You don't see some parts of ToddleeDoo Body or they won't stay in the right place.
• This sounds a lot as a corrupted cache...
· Test 1: Clean Cache MANUALLY! Please pay attention, standard cache cleaning through your viewer preferences DOESN'T FIX CORRUPTED CACHE!!
If you don't know how google for it or ask to your viewer support group.
● Any other Problem:
before acting in any way ask support in TooddleeDoo Group chat *(see "More Support" paragraph)
• Get an Update trough your "4 - Body Controller HUD" (update each the body and any other ToddleeDoo bodypart)
• Rezz it into a safe place.
• Deteach and Delete all old ToddleeDoo copy into your inventory.
• Relog
• Unpack the Fresh copy of ToddleeDoo you rezzed
• Wear your new ToddleeDoo following the correct wearing steps.
• in the case it doesn't help...
Report any bug:
>>ToddleeDoo Bug Report<<
Advanced Tips & Mod:
HUD and Body can be modified.
Here you will find some useful tips to customize your ToddleeDoo Body.
• ToddleeDoo body has a lot of layers (skinny, looser, socks, nails and if you have them also hand poses!). This can cause loading problems in really crowded regions. If you're going to stay in a place full of people very often, you would like to make you "lighter" to load removing socks or one of the 2 clothes layers you don't plan to use, as long as nails.
Just rezz your body, and unlink the parts you want to remove. When you done remember to reset the scripts.
• And also some tips customize your Body Controller HUD.
It may happens that the Body Controller HUD is too "weight" for you, so you can rez on ground, delink and then Copy or Remove: "CustomSKin", "Base Skin", "SkinTone", "AllNails", "CustomClothes". You can also link to the hud any other tool you wish as long it's copy/modify
Again after the link/delinking, please reset scripts
I suggest to NOT RENAME single parts or Full Objects.
I also suggest you to make sure to always keep a default copy of the Body Controller HUD in your inventory
(ATTENTION! If you linked to your Body Controller HUD some skins or clothes or nails you bought in any store, please make sure to NOT reset them!).
If you think your Toddleedoo is compromised, wear the updater and you'll receive a new fresh copy.
Clothes Designing:
(pick the creator applier in the notecard inworld)
-Set Up:
➀ Unpack one of those tools above (or copy the script into your inventory) and then drop it into your own prims.
-> You will receive this message: "SetUp Mode: Waiting textures..."
➁ Drop inside the scripted prim's contents one texture for Shirt and/or one for Pants: the texture's name has to contain "shirt" word for shirt, "pants" for pants, "socks" for socks or "gloves" for gloves - case insensitive.
-> You will receive this message: "Shirt(or Pants) Texture added: yourtexturename
-> If your texture is not correctly named you will receive this message: "The Texture you dropped in is not correctly renamed."...
➂ When you're ready Touch the prim and it will tell you the result (just read what it says to you in local chat)
-> You will receive this message: "Cloth Ready: Shirt(or /and Pants). If you want to modify this textures, please reset the script."
. This is not an error even if it say something about reset the script: this say: "Cloth Ready: ", and then "If you want to modify this textures, please reset the script.", so please reset the script ONLY and IF you want to modify the textures in the current applier.
➃ Rename the prim with an indicative product name.
-Additional Settings:
You can choose to send textures only to Skinny or Looser Layer.
.Write in the prim description "Skinny" or "Looser" (or "all", or leave it empty to control all layers). Again Case insensitive
.For HUD or multiple choices buttons just make as many scripted prim as you need and then link 'em all to a Root prim - you can do the setup before or after the linking ^^
***Attention! If you write anything else in the objects' description, the script will not work!
*Solid textures (non-alpha) may have problems!
You can test temporary clothes trought the "Custom Clothes" dummy in your "Body Controller HUD", under "Wear".
If you are a Mesh Designer Creators and you wish to include an Alpha applier along to your Mesh Clothes please use this HUD:
(pick the creator applier in the notecard inworld)
-Set Up:
➀ Wear or Rezz
➁ Touch the Apha Parts to Hide or Show to designe your own Alpha Set
➂ Touch the configure button to prepare the HUD for the distribution
➃ Remove Modify and Transfer permission by HUD and script
➄ Reset the Scripts inside the HUD if you wish to restart with a fresh new configuration
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SUPPORT GROUP: secondlife:///app/group/aa68563a-577b-e1c8-de7b-f5999a952ed1/about
ADVERTS GROUP: secondlife:///app/group/2f2dbfa3-f35f-d287-1d4d-d82925b20569/about
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ReplyDeleteI am having problems putting a new skin on my Alice Bento Mesh Head. When I try demo skin applier the old eyebrows stay on the face still and she has 2 pairs of eyebrows on - eeek - above the other. Will this problem disappear once a full version skin is applied? Not really wanting to spend up to 1K for a new skin applier of the head will still show 2 sets of eyebrows. Help? :(
Same happened to me, i just went in to the store and for a new delivery for the update and it was fixed
Deletei finally updated my toddleedoo but when i but on the new body my head is gone?? Even though the note card says that i can us my sl head?
ReplyDeleteHiya, I'm noticing something that happens with my body. Sometimes when I apply the undershirt to my baby fitted clothes worn on top of the body (version 4.2.8) When I apply textures or teleport or someteimes cam out and then back, both the under shirt disappears and my neck goes partially transparent. (I'm using the Alex head, if you need that information also.) This has also happened when not wearing the fitted clothes or using the undershirt or bottoms, so I'm very confused as to why it is happening. The way I am fixing it is by clicking the body tab, and toggling the bake on mesh off and on again. This didn't seem to be happening before I updated a few days ago, so I'm not sure if it's a known issue or if I'm not doing something right. The only thing I haven't done / tried is skinning the body with my skin (Because I'm not sure how to do that with this update, the hud is so different now) My skin is a custom skin and has no alpha channels or transparent pixels. I don't have an applier for the skin because it's a custom skin, just the head, torso, and legs textures and the skin item. Thanks in advance for any insight/help you can give. :)