
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Shapes for Toddlers - 1yo

Here we come to the next episode of ToddleeDoo Educational!
 This is a serie of posts, videos and class to make you a pro user for ToddleeDoo Bodyparts! It will have no more secrets for you...

Today we're going to talk again about realistic shapes: this time we are trying to reach a 1 year old look (did you miss the last episode?)

A real baby of this age is tall around 70-80 cm (that's around 30 inch) and they weight  8-12 Kg (18-26lb), but many are more to the large size at this age because of mixed breastfeeding and weaning.
At this age babies may starting the first steps and first words, but most don't.
They have 2-4 teeth and thin little hairs

We do not need ShrinkeeDoo at this age, if you like you can use TinyHands and Feet, but it's really not necessary.
Because of SecondLife standards, I've made them both more in the short side.
REMEMBER to enlarge your head for this age accordingly! At this age, babies head is about 1/4 of the body.

This is the Chubby look of this age: she is pretty much big, but you can even make your shape larger using Body Thickness, Torso and Legs Muscles, then adjust with Knee angle to make the second fold of the fatrolls appear*
*REMEMBER you can recolor and choose the correct shaders in the Body/Chubby section of your "Body Controller HUD HUD": Plum is for smaller rolls. For this specific shape we have: no arms folds (PLUM for Top) and double legs folds (CHUNKY for Bottom)

This is my second offer for the 1yo: the skinny baby.
This little one is very skinny but healty looking, remember to also make your face look thinner. You can also make your shape thinner, but I don't suggest it for a realistic look.
I suggest to always use Real babies as reference, because some parts do not enlarge or shrinkes because of the weight but stay almost the same size but others (see legs vs torso).

The head size have to be related to your face shape: for this age the head have to be more or less 15/17cm from chin to top.
I hope this was useful for your roleplay experience,
if you have any question or feedback 
Plop it below in comments...

See you the next episode.

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