
Saturday, October 12, 2019

Newborn Shapes Sample

Here we go to the first episode of ToddleeDoo Educational:
this will be a serie of posts, videos and class to introduce and explain better all you can do with ToddleeDoo Bodies and improve your ToddleeDoo experience!

It seems that a huge percentage of users would love a realistic appereance as much as possible, but some people encounter some difficulties to reach the desired age and size.
Today I'm going to show you a couple of Sample Shape for newborns:
around 50-60cm (1,6 to 2 feet), one very thin and one very chunky.
Remember: this is a NEWBORN age! Newborns do not stand, walk or talk!
You can lay on ground, or being held by your parents.
This height can work from 2-3 months up to 5-6 months old (but in this case you're gonna be a very very short 5-6 baby considering the RL average height): you can sleep, drink milk and burp, possibly roll, sit up or balle, but not crawl.

For this smallest age we need all the ShrinkeeDoo at the lowest levels, or alternatively ShrinkeeDoo Minime Extreme, but this is also the most extreme deformer for ToddleeDoo. Some clothes may look very different then the original design, so please make sure to use this defomrers ONLY if you really want to be that young.

For this short and so thin shape, the best result have been obtained by turning your shape into MALE!
You can play with the length sliders as Torso and Hips Length.
To make some fine parts even better, I used my "TippyToes - Animators HUD" to unfold my ankles.
DO NOT USE TODDLEEDOO CHUBBY for this shape!!! ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

This is a very used shape on ToddleeDoo as many real babies are this chunky, and this is soo lovely.
I suggest this on ToddleeDoo Fitted (Chubby), because of the fatrolls which enrich your roundness even more.
The best way to make a soft shape in this case is to turn your shape into FEMALE gender, you can play with Body Fat, Muscles (Torso and Legs) and Knee Angle to make some of the folds appear or disappear.
REMEMBER you can recolor and choose the correct shaders in your "Chubby Controls HUD", for this specific shape we have: partial arms folds ("Plump" for the TOP) and double legs folds ("Chunky" for the BOTTom) see here

 That's all for today, I hope this have been useful and interesting,
See you the next episode.

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