
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Safety Update

Dear Toddleedoo Community,

I am delighted to present the new update for ToddleeDoo (4.4.0) and TweeneeDoo (3.0.0) bodies.

This update is driven by the need to comply with the new Second Life Terms of Service (TOS) is the result of a fruitful collaboration with Linden Lab.


Here are all the details.

The parts of the new Age Play Policy that concern us the most are:

  • Avatars representing individuals under the age of 18 are now required to wear a "modesty layer"
  • Residents with child avatars are prohibited from entering A-rated regions. If it is necessary to enter such regions (e.g., for shopping or events), they must shape-shift
  • Deadline for compliance with the regulation is 30th June 2024

To address these requirements, we've made the following updates:

  • Modified all 72 default skins (for either ToddleeDoo and TweeneeDoo bodies) to include the modesty layers, available as both appliers and BOM (skin and tattoo). Alternative versions, Boy, Girl or Genderless, System Skin or Tattoo are available in the 'Extra' folder.
  •  Updated the default set of clothes for ToddleeDoo by including boys options and diaper covers to adapt to various models of modest layers that you might find by other brands.
  • Updated the TweeneeDoo skin for a wider tones range
  • Added a funny tool called A-scape (embedded in the Body Controller HUD or separately in the Extras folder) , which will alert you if you attempt to visit A-rated regions and provide options such as "hide," "leave," or "change outfit"

 The work that has been done is big, especially when it concerns the hundreds of skins: for this reason your patience, understanding, and cooperation would be greatly appreciated! I count on your help in verifying that everything has been saved correctly and corresponds, and if you have any questions, need clarification, want to share feedback, or report a bug, or for any need please feel free to reach out to us on our Discord channel

We're here to help!

ATTENTION (edit* May 31st): Following a subsequent update from Linden Lab, it appears there have been some revisions: bras are no longer mandatory for infants and toddlers, and BOM underwear is deemed sufficient. Nonetheless, ToddleeDoo has decided to retain the skin with the printed in modesty layer as default starting option to facilitate your compliance. However, we remind you to ALWAYS use BOM underwear to cover your private areas: panties for everyone, and for girls with developing breast, a bra or top as well.


Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Warm regards,

Bit McMillan aka ToddleeDooStore

and ToddleeDoo Team

1 comment

  1. Thank you so much. I am not happy about wearing this, but it's not your fault - so I'm not gonna yell like a nut. I really appreciate how fast you did this, and I absolutely love the A-scape feature! I was gonna script one myself, so you saved me a few minutes of coding LOL. As always, TD is my go-to - I just love my body. Your hard work and dedication to the child community is much appreciated. Hugs.
