
Monday, May 29, 2017


This is a deformer Tool for ToddleeDoo Mesh Bodies.
It's an easy attachment that makes your avatar smaller, just be sure to make some shape adjustments expecially to:
Torso Lenght, Hip Lenght and Legs Lenghts (under Torso and Legs) to fit your desired size.
The difference within Fairy, Dwarf and Nappy is only personal Choice. TinyHands makes you Hands Tiny.
You can't wear 2 deformers at the same time

Suggested Aggiustments

Hover (Body): 46
Neck Lenght (Torso): 11
Shoulders (Torso): 20
Arm Length (Torso): 28
Torso Lenght (Torso): 100
Hip Width (Legs): 50
Hip Lenght (Legs): 40

Hover (Body): 46
Neck Lenght (Torso): 11
Shoulders (Torso): 20
Arm Length (Torso): 50
Torso Lenght (Torso): 60
Hip Lenght (Legs): 30

No modify needed

  (for non-shrinkee)

All shrinkers should make you the same size almost, but they shrinks more different parts. Dwarf shrinks more the legs, Fairy more the torso, Nappy is more an fullbody shrink wich produce a less dirtortion overall but in some pants it makes a sort of diaper effect (this is actually my favourite so far).
I added suggested shapes aggiustments in the notecard based on the ToddleeDoo perfect sizing value: nappy don't need any adjustments.... but if you want to be shorter reduce hip lenght and fix the body/legs proportion with torso lenght

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